Thursday, 12 December 2013


ADVENT….time to prepare for Jesus’ coming! At Christmas time, even here in South Sudan, there is much thought and preparation as Christmas approaches. Yes, we might say that our friends have picked up on the tradition of commercialism from the Western world when it comes to buying new clothes or preparing for a big family feast together. BUT I think the word TOGETHER is the one that is more obvious here. A good sermon this past Sunday challenged us to consider the difference between “Christmas” and “Xmas!” In this new country, with so many challenges for everyone, I sensed Jesus speaking to each one of us. Are we prepared for Jesus’ coming again? Or are we just anticipating what we will get for ourselves? Many of the South Sudanese employed seek for time off over Christmas and New Years’. Many offices close down for one or two weeks. Many travel to their villages to spend time with extended family. That is not too different from the Christmases I remember as a child, traveling to both sets of grandparents to enjoy time with cousins, aunts and uncles. Our colleagues here fully expect us to travel to the US “to be with family.” “Being together” is essential to Christmas – “God with us…..Emmanuel!” Advent – what is special about it this year? My mind goes to Mary and Joseph traveling to Bethlehem. For 9 long months, the first-time mother and father wondered what it would be like to be parents; what kind of child would this be? Our son Mark and his wife Kenzi are much like them this year as they anticipate their first child in June 2014 – what kind of child theirs will be? (It hardly seems possible, but 27 years ago, we too anticipated Kurt’s birth during Advent.) We may all try to imagine what the world will be like for our child as he/she grows and matures into the adult she/he is created to be. I often think this is what was meant when it was said in Luke 2:19, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” Mary was just like us – having time to anticipate the birth of Jesus, her child - one she never would have planned or even dreamed of. At this time of Advent – the four weeks prior to Christmas, we as followers of Jesus, are encouraged to reflect on the world with this child, what it would be like to live like him and how we are to be like him as we grow and mature in our understanding of Jesus and the impact of his church upon the world today. I am challenged to ponder these things in my heart and find a fresh understanding of what impact my life is having on the world in 2013. Whether we accomplish all the tasks on our Advent Calendar, we might ask – “have we touched a life with the love of Jesus today?” As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, this small babe born in a manger more than 2,000 years ago - much like many a babe born here in South Sudan – may we sing like the angels, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come!”